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Too often we spend our Christmases doing the same thing, year after year, but our festive holidays are a great opportunity to celebrate this special period in a new and exciting way. Here are all the reasons to consider a festive holiday with Solos, the singles holiday specialist.

Whether you’re single and looking to meet new people, or simply want to escape the consumerist madness that floods the UK during December, there are so many thought processes that might lead to someone booking a festive singles holiday.

Here are just five reasons why we, at Solos, believe it’s one of the best holiday decisions you can make this year.

1. Meet new, like-minded people

Christmas is notoriously one of the most sociable times of the year, but if you don’t have someone close to celebrate it with, the unrelenting happy-go-lucky atmopshere can create the opposite effect.

Above all, our festive holidays are there to connect you with like-minded people and to create a fun, lively atmosphere that’ll make this Christmas one to remember.

Hunt for presents together at one of our fantastic Christmas market breaks, toast one another at a Christmas lunch in the UK, or create life-long memories on an adventure-filled Discovery holiday somewhere far-flung: whichever holiday you choose, you’re sure to leave with new friends.

Krakow Christmas market

2. Join the Solos community

Booking a Solos festive holiday invites you into a friendly travel community, where you can share every experience with fellow single travellers.

From the very first moment you meet your Tour Leader at the airport or your hotel, to your final wave goodbye to your new-found friends, our holidays create a warm, welcoming environment where you’ll immediately feel comfortable and at home.

Another great thing about our holidays is that they also allow you plenty of alone time too. Dip in and out of activities as you please, or spend one day with the group and one day on your own. It’s your holiday, and we want you to spend it however you like!

3. Embrace the new and unknown

Many of us spend our Christmases doing the same thing every year, causing what should be a special, memorable day to blur into a haze of presents, turkey, chocolate and television. Well, it’s time to mix it up!

Our festive holidays are a great way to add some zest to your Christmas, guaranteeing this year’s stands out from the rest.

Discover new foods, traditions and places, and meet friendly faces from around the world who’ll teach you things you didn’t know and shape your experience for the better.

Whether you decide to spend your festive holiday basking in the Caribbean sun on a Christmas cruise, discovering Vietnam’s fascinating historical narrative, or meeting penguins in Antarctica, our holidays will offer a welcome change from the familiar and mundane.

Chilean Fjords, Antarctica, Falklands cruise

4. Get in the festive spirit!

Our selection of festive market breaks around Europe are guaranteed to get you in the Christmas spirit.

Some cities do Christmas better than others: it’s a fact. Take Salzburg for example. Cold and snow-kissed throughout December, it’s also home to the oldest Christmas market in Austria (dating back to the late 15th century), a magical setting that oozes romance.

What’s more, the city is also the birthplace of one of the most famous carols of all time, Silent Night! Join us on a Christmas market break to Salzburg >>

Salzburg Christmas market

5. We have festive holidays to suit everyone

Whether you’re a sun-worshipper wanting to celebrate Christmas somewhere hot and sunny, or a traditionalist seeking a White Christmas full of snow and festive cheer, the great thing about our holidays is that there’s always something for everyone.

If you’re looking for a multi-centre adventure, you’ll love our 12-night Christmas & New Year in Vietnam & Cambodia holiday, while those more interested in culture and history will love our 4-night Christmas in Krakow city break.

We also offer Christmas holidays in the UK, for those who want the Solos Christmas experience somewhere closer to home. These short breaks usually involve a traditional festive lunch, entertainment and a dinner dance, sometimes followed by an excursion or city tour.

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Start planning your festive singles holiday today by browsing our full selection of festive holidays.

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“I’m sure you will enjoy it, I have been on three solos holidays to date and the people I’ve met have been great.”

“I’ve been travelling with Solos for nearly 20 years, on and off. The reason is for exactly what you want – you meet like minded people… and have loads of fun!”

“I’ve been on loads of trips with Solos over the years and can honestly say you will not regret booking your 1st one!”

“The feeling you have once you go away on your own is worth all the nerves before! I was so very anxious the first time but now having done it 4 times, I love it!”


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