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Weston-Super-Mare is one of England’s classic seaside spots! Seeped with Victorian history and dominated by a fabulous beach, it’s the gateway to all the attractions that Somerset has to offer! One of our Tour Leaders, Annie, has led many of our long weekend breaks to this south-west seaside town, and she just loves it…

Hi there, I’m Annie, and I don’t know about you, but I’m so happy that the sun is shining, and we have blue skies once again – I’ve had enough of rain! I love the UK when the sun is out, it’s just like being on holiday, and one of my absolute favourite places to visit has got to be Somerset!

I hosted both Weston-Super-Mare Tours in 2019, and it really gave me that ‘summer feeling’! I’d love waking up early to enjoy a sunny morning stroll on the sandy beach before breakfast – it was like I was in on a beach in Spain – simply breath-taking! Not to mention sitting outside our seafront hotel and watching the sun setting over the sea…

Aside from loving the feeling that I was abroad somewhere, there is just so much to see and do – I’m never bored! One of my favourite days is visiting Bath and exploring its cobbled streets, beautiful parks and its variety of museums – especially for a huge history lover like me! Every time I go, I always visit the Holburne Museum to see its latest special exhibitions and look forward to relaxing on a pleasure boat trip along the River Avon, it’s spectacular. If finding a good place for lunch or a glass of wine, is more up your street, the quaint building on Pulteney Bridge looking out over the river are just amazing.

We also visit Cheddar and Well, where we get to see the spectacular scenery of the Cheddar Gorge, which contrasts with the tranquillity of Wells Cathedral and The Bishops Palace – pictures just don’t do it justice, you have to see it! Wells is also home to the bustling Saturday market where I pick up all kinds of souvenirs.

It’s not all about going out however on this fantastic tour. Our seafront hotel has the most amazing live music each night, and hopefully soon we’ll have the opportunity to dance again – it’s one of my favourite parts of the whole trip!

If like me, you want to listen to waves crashing against the shore and make sure the sun cream is topped up, then a short break to Weston-Super-Mare is just what you need!


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“The feeling you have once you go away on your own is worth all the nerves before! I was so very anxious the first time but now having done it 4 times, I love it!”


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