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St Lucia or Antigua?

The soothing sounds of a steel drum against the gentle lapping of ocean waves. Charming colonial towns exploding with vibrant colours and culture. The clearest turquoise waters. The warmest locals. Coconuts with a straw. And rum on tap. Holidays to the Caribbean always deliver.

Discover the Caribbean

But how do you pick between the islands? St Lucia and Antigua are Solos’ two most popular choices—made all the more special with our solo guests benefitting from exclusive use of the hotel and pool. In a toss up between the two Caribbean gems—which one’s for you?

The Location

Antigua’s beachfront Catamaran Hotel means you’re seconds from the white sands and crystal-clear waters, whereas St Lucia’s Harmony Suites overlooks Rodney Bay Marina and is a 200-yard stroll to the famous Reduit Beach. Each are family-run within easy reach of local amenities.

Antigua and st Lucia beachfront locations


catamaran boat Rodney Bay

The Excursions

Solo explorers will be spoilt for choice when it comes to the range of excursions on each of these escorted group Caribbean holidays! Bursting at the seams with natural beauty, fascinating history and immersive experiences, it all depends which days out float your boat! With St Lucia, you can zipline through the rainforest, tour the island or visit the sulphur springs, botanical gardens and waterfalls, the Pitons (volcanic spires) and Marigot Bay on a thrilling catamaran cruise. Antigua’s optional excursions include visits to Pigeon Point Beach, Shirley Heights’ lookout and old military fortifications, or a spectacular catamaran cruise—a full day circumnavigation around Antigua’s stunning coastline, a delicious lunch and the chance to snorkel or swim in the crystal-clear turquoise waters.


Caribbean nightlife



Both holidays bring our Solos guests together each evening for dinner and drinks, with St Lucia offering up more of a lively experience after sun-down. Our Antigua Solos Exclusive package includes dinner at the hotel’s restaurant all ten nights. Perfect for those who want the ease and comfort of not venturing too far to dine. St Lucia Solos Exclusive offers four nights of included dinners at the hotel, with the freedom to eat out and about the remainder of the time. Great for solo travellers looking for that variety of culinary delights.




Group sizes

St Lucia’s Harmony Suites is a slightly larger hotel, meaning you’ll share with up to 26 fellow solo travellers plus one of our amazing Tour Leaders. In Antigua, the group size is slightly smaller, making for a more intimate experience, with the Catamaran Hotel shared with up to 16 other Solos guests plus Tour Leader.


Whichever island you hop off to, these two Caribbean gems are the ultimate sweet spot for those seeking an authentic Caribbean experience. See full details, dates and prices of both holidays here

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“I’ve been travelling with Solos for nearly 20 years, on and off. The reason is for exactly what you want – you meet like minded people… and have loads of fun!”

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“The feeling you have once you go away on your own is worth all the nerves before! I was so very anxious the first time but now having done it 4 times, I love it!”


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