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Solo Travel in Egypt

Just imagine having the Great Pyramids of Giza on your doorstep, surrounded by stories of the desert and some of the most epic ancient history on the face of the earth. As a certified Egyptologist of 30 years, Solos’ much-loved Tour Leader Tam is bursting at the seams with knowledge—with the advantage of being born and bred in Egypt. But it’s not just his vast knowledge of this remarkable destination that leaves our solo travellers awe-struck.

Discover Egypt

Egypt Tam tour leader

Meet Tam

“It’s been and still is a privilege. Each group I have guided through the years has special memories close to my heart. I’m always touched with the kind words from the groups about how they enjoyed Egypt as they leave with a big smile.

Tam understands the journey they embark on to take that leap, with 26 years of experience showing our Solos the sights. To truly experience Tam’s magic, you’ll have to hop on one of our escorted group tours. In the meantime, he reveals why Egypt is the place for those seeking a unique bucket list trip—like no other.




White Stone Sarcophagus inside the Ancient Egyptian Tomb of the Valley of the Kings in Luxor Egypt



Top three things to see in Egypt

Egypt is full of amazing things to see. Without a doubt—the top of the list would be:






Friendly locals

Egypt has the ‘wow factor’ but I’d say travellers are always surprised with how friendly and hospitable the Egyptian people are. I shouldn’t forget our lovely and warm sun—one of the many treasures of Egypt.

Come prepared

Bring comfortable shoes, a hat, sun block and cash. Cash is still king in Egypt.


What to expect on Solos’ escorted group tours of Egypt

A lot of good things!

A typical day exploring Egypt

We usually have an early start, leave after breakfast and board our private minibus. I then walk the group through the day’s itinerary before I give my presentation about the sights we ‘ll see on the day. I do the guiding at the sights as well—I’m a certified Local Guide/Egyptologist for 30 years now.

After the guided tour, I always give the group some free time to have a wander. We always meet at the local café to mingle around a cup of tea/coffee or maybe an ice cream. We return to the cruise boat for lunch and normally have a free afternoon for resting/sunbathing etc.


Lively evenings

We always aim to meet as a group for pre-dinner drinks and enjoy dinner together. After dinner, we usually have entertainment on board such as the belly dancer show or Gabaliya (Egyptian dress) party. Sometimes we just meet outside on the top deck open area to enjoy a drink & chat while sailing the Mighty Nile by night.

Feel right at home

You have to come experience it for yourself. What I can assure you that you won’t be disappointed. You’ll feel at home😊.

Want to experience Egypt with Solos in 2024/25? Tam can’t wait to welcome you!

Discover Egypt


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“I’ve been travelling with Solos for nearly 20 years, on and off. The reason is for exactly what you want – you meet like minded people… and have loads of fun!”

“I’ve been on loads of trips with Solos over the years and can honestly say you will not regret booking your 1st one!”

“The feeling you have once you go away on your own is worth all the nerves before! I was so very anxious the first time but now having done it 4 times, I love it!”


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