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“It’s official – one of my all-time favourite city break destinations is now available to book with Solos! After much demand, we finally have a 4-night trip out to New York City this June. Join your Tour Leader and fellow solo travellers this summer to visit the city that never sleeps… the Solos way!

Enjoy a stay at the iconic New Yorker Hotel where you will enjoy a central location, perfect for your morning “coffee” run (pronounced in my best New York accent!) before you head out for a day exploring the sidewalks and sights in the Big Apple.

Ask any of our team – New York is literally one of the most exciting places you can visit! No matter how many times you go, there is always something new to experience! The best way I can sum up New York is that you constantly feel like you are on a film set. There are hot dog vendors on almost every avenue corner and the steam really does come out of the drains, just like in the films!


A visit to one of New York’s legendary Pizzerias in Brooklyn for an authentic experience – Grimaldi’s is a must, before walking over the Brooklyn Bridge back to the city. Make sure you’re hungry, the Pizza here is to die for! Have your camera ready for your walk over the Brooklyn Bridge as the photo opportunities of the New York skyline are endless.

Grand Central Station is an iconic piece of New York architecture and has featured in many films and TV shows. I had breakfast here one morning (fresh salmon and cream cheese bagel in case you were wondering!) whilst watching the local commuters start their day. Don’t forget to look up at the amazing ceiling art if you do squeeze in a visit here.

One of my favourite evenings in New York was sat on a roof-top terrace listening to jazz music with a Cosmo in Greenwich Village. Even if you’re not into jazz, it’s so prevalent here.



No visit is complete without a trip to visit the main lady herself, the Statue of Liberty! Enjoy a walk through Battery Park to catch the ferry to Staten island to get up close, and embrace the real tourist within you with plenty of snaps! Whilst you’re over that way, the Financial District is worth a stroll through. You might see not spot the Wolf of Wall Street himself, but the suits going about their day and well-known buildings give off a certain energy.


Simply put, New York is magical! You get to visit some of the city’s main attractions on our Solos trip, however a lot of my memories are from just walking around the city and soaking up the atmosphere. Love or hate cities, you cannot help but fall in love with this cultural, unforgettable city.”


Nadia’s top tips for a visit to New York:

  1. Invest in a comfortable pair of trainers for walking around. You’ll be doing a lot of it!

  2. You don’t need to pay for an observatory deck to view the buildings in the New York! Find yourself a roof top bar instead – and enjoy a beverage whilst you’re there!

  3. New York Cheesecake… the pieces are delicious and huge, as big as my head in fact!

  4. Have plenty of $1 bills to hand for tipping!

  5. At least one ride in a NY cab! They drive like they’ve stolen them but it’s worth it just once!


Speak to Nadia or a member of the sales team to book on this popular and most in-demand holiday!

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“The feeling you have once you go away on your own is worth all the nerves before! I was so very anxious the first time but now having done it 4 times, I love it!”


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