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  • Santorini
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Where solo travellers come together for a good time

On our ‘Solos Exclusives’ breaks, we take over entire properties for our sun-seekers. Why? We find it puts them in the best possible environment to get to know their fellow travellers. EVERYTHING—from the pool to the property to the accompanying Tour Leader—it’s all yours! These escorted group holidays are our most popular choice—especially for those embarking on their first solo trip! So come along with us and spend summer with new people in a new place—on your terms. 

View all Solos Exclusives holidays

Our guests love the whole concept…

Sociable Environment

Properties exclusive to Solos guests only

Prime Locations

Family-run hotels close to all amenities

Escorting Tour Leader

Ensuring your holiday is carefree

Shared Experience

Dine with your fellow Solos guests

The Solos Exclusives experience

Included in your 'Solos Exclusives' package

✔  Your own room with no single supplements

✔  Accommodation exclusive to Solos guests only

✔   A guaranteed spot by the pool  

✔   A wide range of optional excursions  

✔   Welcome drink and information meeting to meet your fellow Solos guests

✔   An accompanying Tour Leader  

✔   A ready-made group of like-minded solo travellers 

✔   Transfers & return flights included (regional airport options available) 

✔   The choice between 7 or 14 nights 

You won't need to:

✘…queue for the bar 

✘…get up at the crack of dawn to put your towel down 

✘…book your own excursions  

✘…eat and drink alone each evening 

✘…spend every waking moment with the group (unless you want to…) 

✘…share a pool with families & couples 

✘…worry about a single thing 

Ideal for first-time solo travellers & popular with returning guests

“Santorini was my first Solos holiday three years ago this May. Loved it, changed my life!”  Kath

“Fantastic holiday, my first solo experience and one of the best I’ve ever been on!”  Sara

“Yes the first time is nerve-wracking but once you arrive and see that Solos board held up, they scoop you up and care for you beautifully. I’ve made lifelong friends through my trips and they are also great fun!”  Sandra 


Wide range of excursions

For those with an appetite for adventure and a craving for culture, we bring some pretty memorable experiences to the table. 

From exploring Turkey on a Jeep Safari, to wine tasting in Santorini’s vineyards and cruising along St Lucia’s west coast, each Solos Exclusives trip has plenty of choice for out-and-about options to give your trip that nudge into extra special.

The world is your oyster

On Land 

Our Solos Exclusives portfolio will take you from the whitewashed cliff top villas of Santorini to the turquoise waters of Zakynthos, Corfu and Crete, to the coastal charm of Montenegro and Antigua’s powdery white sands. We grace the beautiful shores of Turkey in a stunning beachfront resort, and brand new for 2024—we descend on the below-the-radar Greek island of Lefkada 

At Sea 

For those who want to set sail on the open seas, why not try a week aboard one of our exclusive chartered vessels? This summer, we join a ready-made crew on a voyage to explore the sensational shores of Turkey or Croatia 

Our Solos Exclusives Holidays

Our Reviews

“I’m sure you will enjoy it, I have been on three solos holidays to date and the people I’ve met have been great.”

“I’ve been travelling with Solos for nearly 20 years, on and off. The reason is for exactly what you want – you meet like minded people… and have loads of fun!”

“I’ve been on loads of trips with Solos over the years and can honestly say you will not regret booking your 1st one!”

“The feeling you have once you go away on your own is worth all the nerves before! I was so very anxious the first time but now having done it 4 times, I love it!”


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