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There are few places that provide that perfect balance between home comfort and new experiences. But that’s exactly what you’ll get at Aronda House. Pure authentic Greek island hospitality, peppered with the warmth of good wholesome local people.



This summer season, you can enjoy one or two week’s stay at the traditional Greek property, having every little detail taken care of by Kiki and the Korakianiti family. With new friends, and a Tour Leader bringing everyone together for those all-important feel-good moments.  


As recent guest Andy explains, it’s the little things that make the Solos difference: 


“Set back from the road and away from bar noise. Loads of hot water in the shower, with good pressure. The pool is lovely and sparkling clean, as was my balcony overlooking it. The garden taverna has a huge selection of drinks, frosted glasses for cold beer, and is also fab for a lunchtime toastie. But most of all, Kiki’s cooking is beyond fantastic. The smell of her slowly cooking stifado wafting poolside was beaten only by the flavour later that evening. And her barbecue night is the template for a proper feast.” 



And what does he think to the location?  


“The beach is an easy 5 minute walk away, as is the biggest of the supermarkets, and Ipsos is an easy 30 minute stroll. But the bus stop is right outside the hotel car park, and Corfu Town is 30 minutes away, with Gouvia and other interesting stops all along the route. The Woodpecker bar is pretty much next door, too, and a fun place to enjoy a chocolate tequila.” 



So what are you waiting for? Experience Corfu for yourself this summer and you’ll never look back…

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Our Reviews

“I’m sure you will enjoy it, I have been on three solos holidays to date and the people I’ve met have been great.”

“I’ve been travelling with Solos for nearly 20 years, on and off. The reason is for exactly what you want – you meet like minded people… and have loads of fun!”

“I’ve been on loads of trips with Solos over the years and can honestly say you will not regret booking your 1st one!”

“The feeling you have once you go away on your own is worth all the nerves before! I was so very anxious the first time but now having done it 4 times, I love it!”


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