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3 minute read

Our Marketing Department’s Jenna shares her experience of how solo travel opened her up to the kind of friendships she never knew existed… 

Seeing photos of some of our customers on a recent trip got me thinking about the people in my life that have had a lasting impact.

My mind took me back to the people I met on my first overseas solo trip. The first of many. Take it from someone who knows. There is nothing quite like the bond that you form with someone you’re travelling with.

The first solo flight, the first solo transfer, the first evening, the first conversations. Everything feels unfamiliar, different and somehow, comforting. You look around you and steadily realise you’re all in this together. You’ve pushed yourself out of your comfort zone and ultimately it’s that commonality that allows you to strike up the kind of connection you find with someone with a shared passion or experience. You had each left normality in search of something else, not really knowing what that something else would be, and found common ground.

Don’t get me wrong. There were times prior to departure when I questioned myself, but I kept coming back to the same reassuring thought – “If I can do this. I can do anything.”

Each twist and turn in your journey will shape you and help you grow as a person. That freedom is everything. And that’s the magic of Solos Travel.  The freedom to do anything you want to do, go wherever you want to go, at whatever pace you choose.


Come together as strangers and leave as friends


“Once you take the first step, you never look back. I have made some fabulous friends that meet regularly and have weekends away together.” Diane

“I went on my first Solos trip before lockdown, Italy two years running – Tuscany and then Sicily! Highly recommended for both trips. You’ll always feel welcome and I was very anxious before, but met some really great people.” Johnathan

“Just returned from Santorini. What an absolutely fabulous holiday. Accommodation and location was great. Can’t praise the holiday enough. We all came together as strangers and left as friends.” Jill



Why Solos?

Our range of Solos Holidays is designed with individuals in mind, and we take care to create stress-free, small-group trips for like-minded individuals. Be active on a golf or walking holiday, or relax on a dreamy sun-drenched beach. Solos Exclusive properties for the group you’re travelling with, is a fantastic introduction to the Solos experience. Click here for full details and get a feel for what’s right for you or speak to our friendly Solos team who will help you plan and make light work of the logistics.


Join our support network

To keep those memories alive and start planning your next trip (once you’ve got the bug), our ‘Solos Travellers Circle’ on Facebook enables you to be a part of a huge support network and keep in touch with those you meet along the way. Click here to take that first step.

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Our Reviews

“I’m sure you will enjoy it, I have been on three solos holidays to date and the people I’ve met have been great.”

“I’ve been travelling with Solos for nearly 20 years, on and off. The reason is for exactly what you want – you meet like minded people… and have loads of fun!”

“I’ve been on loads of trips with Solos over the years and can honestly say you will not regret booking your 1st one!”

“The feeling you have once you go away on your own is worth all the nerves before! I was so very anxious the first time but now having done it 4 times, I love it!”


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