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What happens if the UK goes into another lockdown or travel is restricted?

We will endeavour to amend your booking with minimum costs. However, this will be subject to the timescale before your departure, so please get in touch with us immediately to rearrange this.

Will you get me home if the UK goes into lockdown while I’m away?

Please be rest assured, we will never leave you stranded overseas. In most cases when a lockdown in the UK is announced, the government does not require customers on holiday at the time to return home immediately, so you can generally continue to enjoy your holiday and return on your planned flight home. If the government asks holidaymakers to return to the UK immediately, we will be in touch with you to help you get home.

What happens if I need to quarantine on arrival at my destination?

If we know a destination or hotel is asking people to quarantine when they arrive in the country – and there isn’t the option to forgo this quarantine period by providing evidence of being fully vaccinated, recovered from COVID-19 or a negative COVID-19 test – we won’t operate, and you’ll be entitled to either a free holiday change or a full refund.

What happens if I’m ill with COVID-19 or have been officially asked to self-isolate and can’t travel?

If you are not able to travel due to contracting COVID-19 or you are officially required to self-isolate at the time of your departure, we will endeavour to amend your booking with minimum costs. However, this will be subject to the timescale before your departure, so please get in touch with us immediately to rearrange this.

Please ensure you have adequate travel insurance that covers you in the event of cancellation before your holiday and illness while on holiday.

If I’m contacted by the NHS Test and Trace system and told to self-isolate over my holiday dates, what does this mean for my holiday?

We can look to see if we are able to change the date of your holiday, but if not and you can’t travel, cancellation charges will apply. Please check if the charges will be recoverable under your travel insurance policy.

What if I need medical advice or I believe that I have Coronavirus Symptoms when on holiday? 

You should check the advice given on the FCDO website under the section Healthcare, which provide you with the information and contact information for which you require. This can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice

What happens if I’m required to quarantine when I arrive in my holiday destination?

If we know a destination or hotel is asking people to quarantine when they arrive in the country and there isn’t the option to forgo this quarantine period by providing evidence of being fully vaccinated, recovered from COVID-19 or a negative COVID-19, test we won’t operate there and you’ll be entitled to either a free amendment or a full refund.

My destination requires me to prove I’ve been fully vaccinated – how can I do this? 

If you live in England and have been fully vaccinated, you will be able to demonstrate your COVID-19 vaccination status through the NHS Covid app to be able to enter some countries.

Visit the FCDO website for guidance on how to do this >>

Do I need to be vaccinated to be able to travel? 

You may have read about vaccine certificates and the possibility that some airlines, hotels or countries may require proof that you’ve been fully vaccinated. If this is introduced after you’ve made your booking and you’re not able to travel due to this requirement, please contact us to discuss your options.

In addition, some countries will ask you to do a test as part of a PCR test and full information will be provided as part of your travel documents. You can find current entry requirements including vaccinating and testing on the FCDO website for the country you’re travelling to, as well as signing up for email alerts for instant travel updates for your holiday destination. Guidance is also available for how to show your vaccination status when travelling.

Do I need to get a test before I travel? 

You need to check whether a test is required for your holiday destination before you travel. It’s your responsibility to make sure you get a test if the country you’re travelling to.

You can find current entry requirements including vaccinating and testing on the FCDO website for the country you’re travelling to, as well as signing up for email alerts for instant travel updates for your holiday destination. Guidance is also available for how to show your vaccination status when travelling.

Do you need to get tested before returning to the UK? 


From 4am on Friday 18th March you no longer need to:

This will apply whether you are vaccinated or not.

I need a test before I travel – when should I take it? 

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“I’m sure you will enjoy it, I have been on three solos holidays to date and the people I’ve met have been great.”

“I’ve been travelling with Solos for nearly 20 years, on and off. The reason is for exactly what you want – you meet like minded people… and have loads of fun!”

“I’ve been on loads of trips with Solos over the years and can honestly say you will not regret booking your 1st one!”

“The feeling you have once you go away on your own is worth all the nerves before! I was so very anxious the first time but now having done it 4 times, I love it!”


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