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New Year holds a special kind of magic, and sitting here at the start of 2023, means it’s the beginning again, for all of us. It’s a time to pause, take stock and dream of bigger and better things for the year ahead. Because the turn of a year is a time to focus on ourselves, inspiring us to make positive changes, sparking feelings of self-reflection and new beginnings… and this year, we want it all.  


The ocean dips, the mountain climbs, the downtime, the city energy and the in-the-moment social. It’s a Solos experience, with our kind of people. Because the world is our oyster, and we want to prise it wide open. The destinations we travel to never cease to amaze us, and when you get to experience them with ease, courage, and vigour, you’ll never look back.  


Multiracial senior friends having fun dining together and toasting with red wine on house patio dinner - Food and holidays concept

“Just do it, you won’t regret it! Maybe book just a week first time if you are unsure, but when you return, I guarantee you’ll be booking another week on another trip!” – Arlene 




We understand that the Solos experience is more than just a holiday. It’s a change from the norm and a leap into the unknown, but we’re pretty sure the pay-off will be immense. 


We know it’s all too easy to put things off. Sometimes the time just never feels quite right. Sometimes you don’t have anyone to do the things you love the most with. Or sometimes the fear of the unknown can overpower everything, and before you know it, you’ve reached the end of another year.  


That’s why we want to be here, there and everywhere for you when you plan your next solo trip. No compromising, worries or time constraints. Just excitement, adventure and brand-new experiences. The friendships you form, the sights you soak up and the difference in your mental wellbeing – it’s all of this and so much more that makes a Solos holiday one you’ll never forget. 


Positive forty years old woman smiles, eats, drinks and talks with friends eating at the bbq table in the farmhouse courtyard sitting at the brunch table - food and drink people life style concept

“It will be the making of you. Life changing for sure. Once you’ve paid your deposit, you’re on your way. It’s been so liberating for me to choose where and when to go away, nobody to please – just me! If you think for too long, you’ll never try anything new, so take the plunge!” – Linda 



From relaxing on the shores of Greece, to escorted tours through the jungles of Costa Rica – get inspired, reach out and make 2023 the year of no regrets…


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“I’m sure you will enjoy it, I have been on three solos holidays to date and the people I’ve met have been great.”

“I’ve been travelling with Solos for nearly 20 years, on and off. The reason is for exactly what you want – you meet like minded people… and have loads of fun!”

“I’ve been on loads of trips with Solos over the years and can honestly say you will not regret booking your 1st one!”

“The feeling you have once you go away on your own is worth all the nerves before! I was so very anxious the first time but now having done it 4 times, I love it!”


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