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In our later years, wouldn’t it feel good to look back and know that we gave it our all. We said yes, jumped in feet-first and did it with gumption. Because nobody is going to live our lives for us. We’ve got to live it for ourselves.

Here are a few trips that’ll make you feel more alive than ever. Bucket list experiences that get the blood flowing and the hair standing up on the back of your neck. With great people at your side to enjoy it with. Because great people make great holidays! Solo’s customers unite to enrich each other in some of the world’s most incredible destinations, and with a Tour Leader on-hand to bring the group together.


“It will be the making of you. Life changing for sure. It’s been so liberating for me to choose where and when to go away, nobody to please – just me! If you think for too long, you’ll never try anything new, so take the plunge!” – Linda 


Soar into the skies, spot endangered species, hop the islands and sail the seas….it’s all ready and waiting for you, with every little detail taken care of. 




A sloth sitting amongst the trees smiling in Costa Rica


500,000 animals. 0 regrets in Costa Rica 

10 Night Solo Holiday in Costa Rica – March 

The tropics – where pure shores meet life under the canopy, for high octane jungle adventures, diverse wildlife encounters of the rainforest kind and the city beat of San Jose. From active volcanoes, to the freshwater lagoons, to the mesmerising waterfalls, this is nature in its purest form.  


The beginning of a hot air balloon festival in Cappadocia Turkey

2 hours soaring. 0 regrets in Turkey 

Marvellous Turkey – April 

Epic 17th Century tales, magical landscapes, thermal waters and famous valleys…Turkey has us enchanted! Capture the essence of its archaeological and cultural heritage, mix with the locals and uncover its fascinating history. Come along for the ride with our expert local guide leading the way and a group of like-minded solo travellers. 


8 slices of pizza. 0 regrets in Tuscany 

Treasures of Tuscany – April 

Discover some of the finest scenery and landscapes Italy has to offer. With four included walks, seek out the breath-taking Tuscan landscape overlooking fascinating renaissance towns and monasteries. See the ‘home of the Renaissance’ and have the chance to sample the delicious food for which the region is renowned – a truly gastronomic delight. 


An ariel view of a section of Kelingking Beach Nusa Penida Bali.

17,000 islands. 0 regrets in Bali 

Best of Bali –  May 

A captivating Indonesian gem, that shines differently every time you look at it. Dance to the Balinese beat, a place as steeped in natural beauty as it is culture. The deeply embedded spiritualism can be felt at every twist and turn. From its sacred temples, to its magnificent lush rice terraces, and the turquoise waters lapping at the golden sands.  


A group of people on a safari spot a pride of lions resting in Kenya. 

15 hours spotting. 0 regrets in Kenya 

Kenya Safari Adventure – June 

Join us in Kenya, a place wildlife encounters take on a whole different level. Admire the jaw-dropping beauty of Mount Kilimanjaro. Catch a glimpse of migrating herds of wildebeest, flamingos in their thousands and the elusive ‘Big Five’! And the safari lodges we get some shut-eye in aren’t too shabby either! 


Penguins waddling on Boulders Beach in Cape town, South Africa.

2,000 Penguins. 0 regrets in South Africa 

Safari, Wine and Mother City, South Africa – October 

Our 2023 tour takes us to Boulders Beach, where a colony of African Penguins settled in the early 1980s! South Africa is a stunning and diverse unforgettable adventure. So come along with us to smell the wine, taste the street food flavours, listen and watch for the sounds of the wild, and feel the vibrant energy of the ‘Mother City’.  


Boats cruising in ocean Ha Long Bay, Vietnam

3 hours sailing. 0 regrets in Vietnam 

Vietnam Cities & Beach – March & November 

A vintage vespa dashing culture-rich oasis. Some of the most incredible food experiences in Southeast Asia. Coastal towns where pure white sand and azure shores are commonplace. 

You won’t find any regrets in a place like Vietnam. A destination you can cruise along the surreal and otherworldly beauty of Halong Bay. 



Whatever you want from the world this year, discover it with Solos. With a ready-made crew of explorers and a Tour Leader to connect you to fun, friendship and feel-good moments. Because our friends, these are the moments you’ll look back on in years to come.  

So what are you waiting for? 

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“I’m sure you will enjoy it, I have been on three solos holidays to date and the people I’ve met have been great.”

“I’ve been travelling with Solos for nearly 20 years, on and off. The reason is for exactly what you want – you meet like minded people… and have loads of fun!”

“I’ve been on loads of trips with Solos over the years and can honestly say you will not regret booking your 1st one!”

“The feeling you have once you go away on your own is worth all the nerves before! I was so very anxious the first time but now having done it 4 times, I love it!”


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